Today I spent some time with one of my best buds. And I was thinking of why she is one of my top best buds. And I decided that it was because she is a wonderful person. I try to pick the right people to hang out with. Because if I want to be a good influence, I need to hang out with others guys and gals that are good influences.
Food for thought
" He who walks with the wise, grows wise. But a companion of fools, will suffer harm." (Proverbs 13:20)
Choose wisely who your friends are. If you hang out with the wrong crowd, you could very easily become like that crowd. You want to hang out with the right crowd. Sometimes it can be hard to figure out whether or not a person is a good friend to have or not. So a way i decide whether i want to be close to them is describe their personality and actions. I going to describe one of my best friends as an example.
This friend has a BIG heart. And most important of all, she is dedicated to Jesus. THAT, is what i look for in a friend. And THAT, is why she is one of my BEST friends.
Chill with the people who treat you like the jewel you are. And bring out the best in you.
BTW this is dedicated to my friend SCB. :) I <3 YOU!!! ;D